If you decide to visit us at New Hope, there will not be a "basket," "bucket," or "bag" passed during any part of the service. We feel it is best to put offering boxes (Worship Boxes) outside the auditorium entry doors. This allows people who choose to give, to do so without undue force or pressure.
Recognizing that God's grace is the source of our life, our time, and our belongings, we emphasize that whatever we offer back to Him is a form of worship, and as such, should be motivated by love, not guilt.
We who consider New Hope to be our church home, understand the financial responsibilities that go along with supporting a facility, ministries, staff, and missions needs. Not a day has gone by without our needs being met.
If you'd like to make a financial contribution online, please click the "MAKE A DONATION" and follow the instructions. If you have any complications with your online contribution, please contact Greg at finance@visitnewhope.org.
"Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver." 2 Corinthians 9:7